Tuesday, June 27, 2017

june ; twenty seven

// what i listened to when i wrote this //


alright, i'll spill the beans.

this isn't my first time making a post on this shitty failure of a blog. and that's the truth. this blog's been on the internet for, what, a year?

oh, nevermind, i just checked. says my first post was in september of 2016. well, i was close enough.

i'm also hoping that this won't be my last post to this blog, but who am i kidding? i've said this before. and i've failed this before. let's just hope it lasts longer than before. which was like two weeks. i mean, i posted for four days straight and then posted a week and a half later. does that count as it lasting for two weeks? or only four days? questions, man. well, even if it is two weeks, it shouldn't be that hard. right?

i feel like i'm rushing this writing but who am i to know? it's only my first post.

well, i've been working on my ukulele-ing, and i even wrote a tidbit of a song! probably not going to become anything spectacular, though. the lyrics are very cliche, but the tune's nice enough.

i got out of school a couple of weeks ago and it's been pretty boring. summer is so overrated. maybe it's nice having freedom, but i like the constant security of school, though sometimes that can be shit too. it's peaceful, i suppose, but there's this big cloud hanging over me at all times. it's mostly from the huge fact that in less than a month i'm moving far away from where i've lived my whole life.

i mean, not super far away. like, it's around 2,000 miles away? far enough that i'll feel incredibly lonely and scared. it's really nerve-racking, you know? i've been acting all tough and fearless but holy shit i am terrified. a new school and everything!

though i'm also totally excited. it's a new chance. i can be different! though i'll probably stay the same. it's hard to change habits.

what else? hm, i've been watching a lot of youtube lately. i really enjoy getting into that spot on youtube where everywhere you click there'll just be more and more memes, as far as the eye can see. though i waste a lot of time that way, lemme tell you.

i recently broke up with my girlfriend, and i've taken it easier than i expected i would. it was a mutual agreement between us, and maybe it was easier because it was over internet, but i still thought i'd feel sad a little bit. and maybe i do? a tiny part of me? but we barely talked anyway, so what was the use of it all?

sorry for pushing my shitty ass problems on you, but i feel goddamn tired. holy crap i wanna sleep.

anything else? uh, i've been really appreciating the art of lofi hip hop lately. it's a real great genre of music that i wish was more popular 'cause it's really nice. it's good for writing, which i do a lot.

man i'm so boring.

summer is so boring.

i actually knew this girl named summer, a while back. we didn't really know eachother, but we argued a bit once about the meaning of emo. i, personally, think i won, but she probably doesn't think the same way, of course. i was arguing that she wasn't emo. she was arguing that she was. i dunno? it was a stupid fight.

she was the girlfriend of one of my best internet friends, though we don't talk at all anymore. i kinda miss them.

i think that's all for now! sorry for this shitty first post. i'll try to tone it down a bit in the future (if there is one)

see you later, alligator.

in a while, crocodile. 

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