Friday, June 30, 2017

june ; thirty

// what i listened to as i wrote this //


oHO uh no what i didn't forget yesterday to update what????????

okay i am sorry i was too lazy ,, but hey i'm updating today so that counts as my blog still going , right????? please ?????????????????

well anyway hELLO! i'm really energetic for some reason right now, though i should sleep soon. or not. [the internet is all i need].

i've been also feeling quite happy lately, which is quite nice actually! i've been keeping up with internet friends (which i'm usually really bad at) so it's nice to speak with them every once in a while. plus, i'm skyping one of them tomorrow! we have hUGE timezone differences, so this is really nice :]

moving on! so, the house i'm currently living in has to be, like, spotless in around a week or two, which is extremely stressful because my whole family are just naturally messy people (except my mom) and naturally very lazy (except my mom again). and considering she's away right now for work, all i can say is that we are very fucked. my room literally looks like a fucking tornado came through it.

plus, i'm really bad at throwing things out. when i used to play animal crossing (i still have the game, mind you, i'm just scared to see my horrible hair and the weeds (nOT THE WEEDS)) i'd literally never sell anything that could mean the tiniest thing to me. a frog shirt? kEEP. a melon hat? fUCKING KEEP. a pair of samurai shoes? nO WAY IN HELL I'D SELL THOSE. a tank top rose shirt and a short sleeved rose shirt? kEEP THAT SHIT. so, basically, my town would be overgrown with weeds and random clothing was littered everywhere. needless to say, my town was pretty bad.

don't worry, i got over it. now my town is clean and great and i got lots of money from selling all those useless clothing items. it was a win-win. life was great.

unfortunately, i can't do the same with my real life. i have a lot of useless shit. so much useless shit. but iTS REAL. i can't just toss those items away forever, can i?

i suppose i'll figure something out. wish me luck!

hm, i can't think of anything else to talk about, so goodbye for now! i'll (try to) post tomorrow (though no one even cares lmao what) !!

see you later, alligator.

in a while, crocodile.

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