Monday, June 5, 2023

hyperfixation update (spoilers; it's all loki!)


lots of hyperfixation updates for ya today. no depression talk, finally; freedom at last!?

last post i wrote about being really into conan. this has unfortunately passed very quickly. i still like him a lot and watch videos of him sometimes but he isn't on my mind anymore. it was like 3 days of conan love and i've moved on...

the vast majority of this post will be about marvel and specifically loki. warning you in advance if you do not enjoy that type of stuff! it's mostly info-dumping because i feel bad forcing this on my friends more than i already have!

about half a month ago i wanted to see guardians of the galaxy 3, so i watched a bunch of the earlier movies to prepare for it. in the past, i'd seen tom holland's spider-mans, as well as dr. strange and a few other random ones here and there, but i'd never been that interested in the MCU. after watching gotg 1 and 2, i decided i wanted to see the second dr. strange movie, which required even more backtracking and preparation. one of these shows i watched to get ready was loki, which i ADORED...

it was my first experience with loki--i basically had no idea who the character was prior--and i just absolutely fell in love with the character. i thought the plot was interesting and it was a cool separation from the rest of the MCU (while also having huge massive implications for future plotlines). i also really liked mobius and found myself really enticed by his relationship with loki. i think there's something really endearing about the idea that loki could be ... softened by mobius, i guess. loki is such an evil little guy who is so traumatized by his life and the people around him (not victim-blaming though, loki has done some completely unforgivable things) that having someone completely outside of that all, who kinda just doesn't give a shit in the best way possible, seems like the perfect fit for loki. 

(obligatory paragraph break for readability's sake) (also some little spoilers in the next paragraph)

loki and mobius' relationship (and the potential direction i desire it to take) is surely better than what they've made of loki and sylvie. though i did like sylvie and thought she was cool! i just think loki and sylvie are trauma-bonded and desperate for someone they feel like they can trust, and i guess they've found that in each other. or maybe not trust... but at least they are both on the same wavelength, which is rather hard for lokis to find because they are such stinky creatures. plus i think it's a little heartbreaking that they've essentially acknowledged loki as a queer character and yet they've never actually given him a queer relationship... even in the comics, he hints at it and makes a half-assed move on a guy but that's IT. like CMON...

anyway, yeah, overall i really enjoyed the show and the direction it took and its ending. there's going to be a second season in errr... september, was it? no, i just googled it, it's october! wow! honestly, people are really harsh about the MCU and D+ shows and all that but i'm just happy to be here. it's all just bright colors and fast action and silly jokes that don't fit the mood and i dig it... maybe in 10 years i'll feel that cynical about it all, but hopefully not anytime sooner. 

i even ended up writing a short fanfic about loki (this is strangely embarrassing to admit), which was the first piece of writing i've finished in a long while. it's jumpstarted me back into another writing phase, mostly loki-related content, but i haven't been able to finish anything else. it's kind of funny because i told a buddy of mine who i hadn't talked to in a while that i was super into marvel, and he was like "i feel like being a marvel fan is worse than making weird fanfictions" like i.... am i in the worst of both worlds?? lol

anyway, i found myself especially engaged with loki, both his MCU-portrayal by tom hiddleston but also as a character in general. i watched all the MCU content with him in it and really loved it. it's weird going from the loki show where he's really just a mischievous trickster who can't do any real damage to the movies where he's a straight up villain. but i think they do a great job at giving him some real tough layers. he's a twisted, troubled, trapped character in all his forms. it's sad! that doesn't excuse that he killed thousands of people, but... he's a cutie, what can i say?

there's this comic trilogy series where loki is reborn as a sweet, benevolently mischievous kid, and it's utterly fantastic. it's super well-written and interesting and deeply moving to a level i could never have expected. the first part of the series is written by kieron gillen in the 2011 journey into mystery comic. it runs from issue 622 - 645. i really cannot express how much i was destroyed by JIM (in the best way, of course). it's really reminded me how much i used to want to be a writer in some capacity. i've forgotten how much written pieces of work can move me, and experiencing it in comic book form is another strange eye opener. i don't know; it just makes me want to return to my little creative side. 

something i really adored about kid loki's arc is that he and thor were best bros. this idea that thor can look past everything old loki did (which was a lot, as you might expect) and still completely love kid loki is fucked up in the most powerful and beautiful way possible. it's really made me fall in love with thor as well; he's such a good, kind, faithful brother. especially when kid loki expresses doubt about everything, thor is there to support and comfort him. i just want to write a million little domestic fics where they spend time with each other and bond. it makes me so melancholy!!

i will avoid spoiling anything, but gillen just puts the story together so well. he's a fantastic writer and uses some great language; i even learned some new words which is fun! overall, i just really love kid loki.

anyway, after JIM, kid-teen loki has a brief stint as a young avenger in the 2013 series. this was also written by gillen, and i don't like it as much. i think i'm kind of biased though because i don't really care about the other young avengers. plus, this one was much more like a regular modern comic, whereas JIM felt like it transcended all of that. it was still interesting though; the story was pretty cool and i did like the art! they also had a LOT of queer representation, which i will always appreciate. it probably didn't help that i read it so soon after JIM, because i was still in that weird, life-changed state of mind. i'd give it like a 7/10; there's an extra point in there because, well, i just love loki.

after YA, there was a loki-focused series called agent of asgard from 2014. this one was written by al ewing and loki is a young adult in it. it's SO GOOD. i think JIM will always take the cake for me (i love kid loki more than i could ever express) but AoA is amazing! loki wrestles with some real uncomfortable thoughts and struggles with the idea of destiny throughout. even the people around him expect and desire evil out of him, which is just so sad!! there's a huge plot point that i must avoid mentioning, so i can't fully express why this comic is so devastating, but i will just say there are a lot of heartbreaking twists. i also really loved the art for most of it! the ending of AoA is also just utterly fantastic and fucked me up as well. i really don't think they could have chosen a better, more cumulative and moving ending. god, i love it so much!!!

i've had this selection of comics in my mind since i read them (though YA at a much lesser level). i think loki is such an interesting and tragic character. gillen and ewing really breathe new life into him. i must state, once again, that i love kid loki so fucking much. i also adore all of asgard and the characters in it, especially thor. i just really enjoyed the fantasy aspect of it and how they coexist with the modern culture of our current world. it's fun to see kid loki in JIM wearing his little asgardian getup and holding a stark phone; it feels silly and yet fits so well. and then in AoA he's playing video games and still talking like a little royal shit. it's just such a creative world and allows for a great deal of possible scenarios. asgard fanfic? midgard fanfic? it can be either, or they can be mixed! woohoo!

those are all the comics i've read so far; i think i'm going to read some thor stuff because man, i just adore that guy. might also read some spider-man stuff because he's real cool as well. who knows; the possibilities are limitless!!

moving on... to the MCU. i've seen most of the main storyline movies at this point. i've avoided iron man, captain america, hulk, and ant-man's solo films so far, but i'm going to go watch them soon so i can have a full picture :) i just do not like iron man or ant-man at all!!!! but that's okay... we all must make sacrifices. i WILL endure tony stark's stupid mean banter and ant-man's entire existence... actually my least favorite character is hawkeye because he's literally just an archer, and i'm sorry, but that is so uncool... where was i going with this?

so yeah, i've been watching a ton of movies. i really loved thor: ragnarok specifically, which is just such a fun little romp. i adore thor and think chris hemsworth is the most attractive man alive, so that definitely contributed to it, but it was just really nice and silly, especially compared to the desaturated, dull film that was thor: the dark world. and of course, having loki not be the bad guy is always fun. finally, i can root for him!

i've also been watching a ton of interviews, especially ones with either tom hiddleston or chris hemsworth, and i just love both of them so much. tom is very soft spoken and polite and british and cute, and chris is very funny and so attractive!! good lord! and in PRIDE month, too... i feel like i'm a disgrace to the lgbt community. but yeah, i just love hearing them speak about stuff, especially if it's a more humorous interview. this also applies to the entire MCU cast; they're all so much fun. i'm also really interested in owen wilson, who plays mobius; i love his accent and demeanor and he's really charismatic. this has been what's taking up most of my days...

uhhhhh okay i think that's all i have about loki & the MCU. for NOW. 

on another note, i'm still deeply in love with that minecraft server i've written about in the past. i hold quite a few staff roles at this point, and it brings me great joy. i also very recently got a promotion in one of the roles, which i am very excited about! it is silly, of course, but there's something that makes me a little emotional about the idea that people noticed my efforts and appreciated them, even if it's just a mc server. i'm deeply engrained and indebted to this community; people know me and i know them and they enjoy my presence. it's so sweet. it helps me continue forward!

otherwise, there's not much going on! i gotta get a job... LOL yikes. i'll figure it out, i'm sure.

that's all from me today! i love loki!! have a great day!